Is our Honey Raw?

All our honey is coarse filtered so that the honey retains the pollens.

Raw is a description used to described honey which is unpasteurised ans coarse filtered. Trading standards now state that no honey producer or company is allowed to use this term. 

 Is our honey organic?

With all of our hives distributed around Bath and the surrounding area it is impossible to guarantee the nectar to make the honey is from organic land. 

We do however place our hives on land that has had minimal exposure to chemicals. Furthermore we promote land owners knowledge on bee friendly products if they do use any at all. 

Why has the Honey gone hard?

Honey granulation is natural for honey. The nectar is made up of fructose, glucose and sucrose depending on what plants the bees have foraged from depend on the balance of each and this determines how fast the honey granulates. 

Honey holds is level of flavour and nutrition it only changes texture. If you prefer runny honey then all you need to do is warm it up in a saucepan and its back to liquid form. 

 Does honey go off?

No. Honey will crystallise but because of its high sugar content and naturally antibacterial nature it never goes off. Due to law we have to put a best before date on our packaging so we put the maximum allowed of 2 years on our product. 

FUN FACT: in 2015, archaeologists reported that they'd found 3,000-year-old honey while excavating tombs in Egypt, and it was perfectly edible!

Can Children and infants consume honey?

It is recommended that honey can only be consumed for children over the age of 12 months. 

Where do we get our honey?

We proudly source all our honey from our own hives as well as processing and packaging it all ourselves. Keeping it Local. 

Is our honey suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Honey is the product of bees so it is not a vegan product. Although we have had vegans buy and consume our honey after listening to our story and knowledge. We only produce honey in an ethical and sustainable nature, here at Magee's Bees we want to only promote and help the bee population respectfully. 

Is our honey gluten free?

Yes. Our honey is completely natural and gluten free.